"We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness" ~Thich Nhat Hanh
For me, Yoga is about restoring & maintaining harmony - harmony within ourselves and harmony with the rest of the universe. In fact, the word Yoga is often translated to mean Union and I like to think of that union as harmony and balance on every level.
We all have Prana (life force) flowing through us. When Prana is flowing freely we feel well on every level - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. However, injury, illness or stress (whether it's physical, mental or emotional stress) can become trapped in our bodies in the form of pain, tension and tightness. These blocks to the flow of Prana mean that we do not feel as well as we would like to.
Yoga teaches us exercises for our body and breath which allow us to release those blocks so that the Prana can flow freely again. Through a regular Yoga practice we can learn to tune in to our inner wisdom and connect with our innate peace, happiness and strength. We find more peace and have a greater sense of connection to others and the world around us. In short, we are able to flow with life.
For me, Yoga is so much more than a just a physical practice. It is a way of saying yes to life, with all it's joys and challenges, helping us to unlock our full potential.