Investment: Early Bird €30 before 17th November €35 thereafter
As we move into the darkest time of the year this can often bring up some discomfort and fear in us. Our Always-Switched-On society means that we have lost our ability to get quiet, turn inward, rest deeply and and be okay with the darker days and the shadow side of ourselves.
Before the days of electric light, our ancestors honoured the natural darkening of the days by resting, hibernating, looking inward, letting go of what was no longer necessary, healing any wounds and dreaming about what to bring to light in the Spring.
Join me for this delicious Sunday afternoon workshop to help you find ease, peace and harmony with the natural darkness of this time season through Yoga, poetry, Celtic wisdom, stories, deep rest and contemplation.
Investment: Early Bird €30 before 8th December €35 thereafter
As we approach the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, it's the perfect time to get quiet and turn inward with some deep Yin Yoga. In Yin Yoga we stay in poses for long holds allowing us to let go at a very deep level in both body and mind. This workshop will also include poetry, Celtic wisdom, deep rest and relaxation and the use of lots of props to facilitate deep letting go and contemplation.
At the Winter Solstice we also celebrate the return of the light as our Earth starts to turn back towards the Sun... So we will also take some time to dream about the year ahead and visualise what we want to bring to light with the coming of the Spring! Join me for this beautiful Sunday afternoon celebration of the darkest day and the return of the sun!